Endless Drool

Friday, February 03, 2006


The picture pretty much sums up what I've been up to for the last couple of days. Quick snacks, caffeine, studying for the Canadian Securities exam, more caffeine. Good times.

I took the Exam at the downtown BCIT this morning after an all-nite cram-o-rama. I memorized the Accrued Interest, Present Value of Income Streams, Treasury Bill Yield, and Approximate Yield to Maturity formulas just before taking the elevator up to the exam room. Brain-dumped them into my exam book as soon as I was allowed to write in it. I hope whoever is marking, appreciates the creative construction of formulas, and the pretty patterns I drew on the scantron.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Li'l Pudge-Pudge

Our Beagle has gotten a little soft. She's weighing in at a hefty 20 pounds and now has a bit of padding around her ribs. To compensate for the extra she's packin', she has gained a racing stripe down the middle of her back, complete with a little black squiggly line by her rump. See "Exhibit A" on your right.

As a result she's now being addressed as "Li'l Pudge-Pudge".

Well, during our dinner conversation yesterday, for some reason, my lovely wife decided it`d be funny to call me, Mr. Buck-Thirty, "Pudge-Pudge" as well. Thinkin' that what comes around, goes around, I hinted at applying that same name to her. She promptly offered that I enjoy the cold rain for the night, and that the balcony had my name on it.

Women. Go figure.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Kung Hei Fat Choi

Happy Chinese New Year!

It is the year of the Dog. Being a big fan of dogs, I'll use this as an excuse to post a couple of Dog related pictures. (As if I need an excuse!)

The first one being of our Rough and Rugged City Beagle. Here she is keeping warm in front of our fire-place, relaxing with her bounty. May we all have such bounties in the upcoming year.

Here's my favourite little comic from the 2006 New Yorker Dog Calendar that I bought. Dog and Cat lovers should appreciate this one. A truer comic has never been made...

And here's one for all the guys (fellow canines) that will proclaim it their year. It's only a matter of time before this guy does.

Gung Ho Bok Choi! (Aw man... I'm such a Gwai Lo...)