Moving to the Roses?!

It's been almost a month since the last blog update. If anyone is wondering what has happened to us, it is pictured above. The baby blue beauty pictured above will be ours on June 17! So outside of being mad busy at work, we're trying to get our apartment ready for showing by de-cluttering, performing minor repairs, and decorating as well as working out all the financing and legal details of purchasing a property. In case you're wondering how on earth this modest couple with beagle can afford a house in the Lower Mainland... we can't. Cathy's parents are helping us there. And they'll soon be our neighbours! Thank you to Don, Sue and Chrissy for all the help in this whole process.

As for the beagle... she's been very anxious lately. Here she is resting in the midst of box land. All this worrying about her den being taken apart has her all tuckered out!
yay! I am coming for breakfast before church :D
wiwian, at Thursday, May 11, 2006 5:10:00 PM
wow that's crazy. congrats! now just replace the camry with a ferrari and you're set.
btw, where is "the roses"? i'm not familiar with that ghetto slang ;)
Anonymous, at Sunday, May 14, 2006 6:03:00 PM
Ween: South... so far south you could say Richmond. :-)
Wing Ying: Come by for breakfast anytime. Anything for a friend that would happily serve me a coffee latte with cornflakes, knowing that I'm allergic to coffee, milk and corn... :-P
Lucas: When you come on down to the Ghe-tto, for our housewarming, you'll know. (also see comment to Ween) :-)
Endless Drool, at Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:52:00 PM
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