Li'l Pudge-Pudge

Our Beagle has gotten a little soft. She's weighing in at a hefty 20 pounds and now has a bit of padding around her ribs. To compensate for the extra she's packin', she has gained a racing stripe down the middle of her back, complete with a little black squiggly line by her rump. See "Exhibit A" on your right.
As a result she's now being addressed as "Li'l Pudge-Pudge".
Well, during our dinner conversation yesterday, for some reason, my lovely wife decided it`d be funny to call me, Mr. Buck-Thirty, "Pudge-Pudge" as well. Thinkin' that what comes around, goes around, I hinted at applying that same name to her. She promptly offered that I enjoy the cold rain for the night, and that the balcony had my name on it.
Women. Go figure.
Wow. Louise also weighs about 20 pounds, but sadly, does not have the squiggley line on her back. That's just crazy stuff.
Anyway, hope you are doing well, Mr. Pudge-pudge.
(Man, I really hope that name sticks...)
iTripped, at Wednesday, February 01, 2006 9:00:00 AM
so you'd like another night in the rain according to the final comment
Endless Drool, at Wednesday, February 01, 2006 5:16:00 PM
I see, wifey is commenting using my account... I'll be good, dear... :-P
Endless Drool, at Wednesday, February 01, 2006 6:22:00 PM
hehe... I actually do get that comment. I do remember a certain someone grabbing their own tummy in their cube and getting busted... :-P
So Miss Ween... when are you gonna take that "commenting on someone's blog" hobby of yours to the next level and start your own blog, so we can comment on it? :-)
Endless Drool, at Thursday, February 02, 2006 9:20:00 AM
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