Late Nights and Vampires

It seems that I have gotten so busy that there are few times where I can do the things I enjoy. This results in me sometimes doing things I enjoy well past midnight. Lately this has included watching a slew of Vampire movies like Queen of the Damned, Underworld: Evolution, and the original Underworld. Love that Vampire stuff. I enjoyed all three of these movies, though Queen of the Damned has condensed, and strayed far from the 2 Anne Rice books it was based on, which marred my enjoyment. The Underworld series, on the other hand, has my official stamp of approval. I got the original Underworld DVD on Friday (Yay Amazon!), and I watched it after finishing Work at 2-stinkin'-AM. From the catchy soundtrack, the Matrix-like action scenes, the dark imagery, to the neat little plot twist at the end - I loved it all. I'm actually itching to see both Underworld movies again in the near future. That's a rare thing for me. Not since Kill Bill have I felt that way about a movie. Of course, my reviews are a little biased. I do love that Vampire stuff.

And for all you Emma fans out there: Here she is lying in a pile of laundry that I am trying to fold. As soon as I put it on the bed. she decided it would be good to curl up in. I can't blame her, I guess. It's all warm and Bouncey fresh. Now if only it didn't come with pesky paparrazi...