Endless Drool

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Kung Hei Fat Choi

Happy Chinese New Year!

It is the year of the Dog. Being a big fan of dogs, I'll use this as an excuse to post a couple of Dog related pictures. (As if I need an excuse!)

The first one being of our Rough and Rugged City Beagle. Here she is keeping warm in front of our fire-place, relaxing with her bounty. May we all have such bounties in the upcoming year.

Here's my favourite little comic from the 2006 New Yorker Dog Calendar that I bought. Dog and Cat lovers should appreciate this one. A truer comic has never been made...

And here's one for all the guys (fellow canines) that will proclaim it their year. It's only a matter of time before this guy does.

Gung Ho Bok Choi! (Aw man... I'm such a Gwai Lo...)


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