Late Nights and Vampires

It seems that I have gotten so busy that there are few times where I can do the things I enjoy. This results in me sometimes doing things I enjoy well past midnight. Lately this has included watching a slew of Vampire movies like Queen of the Damned, Underworld: Evolution, and the original Underworld. Love that Vampire stuff. I enjoyed all three of these movies, though Queen of the Damned has condensed, and strayed far from the 2 Anne Rice books it was based on, which marred my enjoyment. The Underworld series, on the other hand, has my official stamp of approval. I got the original Underworld DVD on Friday (Yay Amazon!), and I watched it after finishing Work at 2-stinkin'-AM. From the catchy soundtrack, the Matrix-like action scenes, the dark imagery, to the neat little plot twist at the end - I loved it all. I'm actually itching to see both Underworld movies again in the near future. That's a rare thing for me. Not since Kill Bill have I felt that way about a movie. Of course, my reviews are a little biased. I do love that Vampire stuff.

And for all you Emma fans out there: Here she is lying in a pile of laundry that I am trying to fold. As soon as I put it on the bed. she decided it would be good to curl up in. I can't blame her, I guess. It's all warm and Bouncey fresh. Now if only it didn't come with pesky paparrazi...
It comes as no surprise to me that you like vampire movies, since you rate how good a movie is purely by the amount of blood in it.
A comedy? yeah it's good - they shoot up a bunch of folks. (Think Grosse Point Blank)
Horror? yeah, they are pretty much always good, so long as they have a slasher for a bad guy.
Anime? Well come on - they just LOVE to glorify bloody swords in action.
Case in point - one of your favorite movies is Kill Bill. Rates pretty high on the blood quotient.
iTripped, at Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:17:00 AM
Hehe... I knew you would say that. I almost mentioned it in this entry even, since I remember the office conversation where you first accused me of only liking movies with lots of blood.
But you know, my tastes have evolved. I enjoy the occasional explosion in my movies as well.
Yes, you're looking at a refined man here...
Endless Drool, at Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:31:00 PM
I still wager the only reason you like explosions is because of their tendency to spill blood.
It's been documented before, don't make me do it again.
iTripped, at Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:55:00 PM
Aww Dave, can't we just go with the "refined" angle on this... shucks... :-(
Endless Drool, at Friday, February 24, 2006 9:09:00 PM
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