One Non-Asian and some Tiny Hair-like Wires

So I ordered this solderless, ummm, improvement chip. I just have to take apart my machine, remove the components, put this chip on this printed circuit board by putting these connectors into a few holes and suddenly my, ummm, improved machine will do wonderous things. My co-workers know how excited I was to have received this chip in the mail. Well... a week later and the dismantled machine is still on my dining table and I might have to admit defeat. These tiny wire connectors, which are about as thick as maybe 2 strands of my hair put together, just refuse to go through the holes. The holes are so tiny that when I put the PCB up against a bright light, I can not see light shine through them. The PCB does have some holes that let light through, but unfortunately, these are not the holes I have to put the connectors through. Well, to make a long story short, I was able to get 3 of the 5 connectors in, but I snapped 1 of them, and 1 is sort of jammed in. (See Picture for 3 successful connectors). My buddy Chano lent me some wire and a soldering iron, but I can not get this wire through the hole either. The wire is more likely to bend or have the other end stuck like a splinter in my finger than it is to go through the curse-d hole.
Of course, having told some of my co-workers of my dilemna, some of the Asian ones have told me that I am clearly not Asian. Else I would have had no trouble installing this... Perhaps I will have to enlist one of my "Asian" friends to help this poor White boy out. And maybe while they're at it, they can tutor me in Math. Ack.
Man, it's probably just some resin clogging the hole. I'm not quite sure why you felt the need to obscure certain parts of the board, but okay.
Just remember to look at this as the opportunity that it is: clearly you need to purchase some new tools to help with the job. What fun!
iTripped, at Thursday, December 01, 2005 8:18:00 AM
you know who can save you... the most asian of all
gwilli, at Thursday, December 01, 2005 4:47:00 PM
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