Married for one whole week!

One week ago, Cathy and I got married. Our wedding day was, without a doubt, the happiest day of my life. The whole affair was not without it's hickups, but thanks to our families, wedding party, and close friends, it all worked out.
I am a lucky man. And the wedding reflects this.
We had such a great turnout of friends and family. People came from far and wide, just to see li'l ol' us get married! Who'da thunk it?! Thank you to all those that made the journey to come see us from Australia, Indonesia, California, Manitoba, Alberta, and Pakistan.
I'm lucky to have great friends like my groomsmen, Irv, Kerim, Kraemer, and Zig. I would not be the man I am today without you guys. You have no idea how great it was to have you all by my side that day. I can't begin to express how much you all mean to me. Your speeches were awesome. You're my boys!
I'm sure Cathy feels the same about her bridesmaids, Carrie, Chrissy, Lisa, and Laurel. Thank you for all the hard work and support you've given to both of us. I'd hate to picture what the wedding would have turned out like without all you ladies did. Your speeches were also very lovely.
Our helper elves. Brenna and baby Jasmine at the Guestbook. Ryan Chan for all his efforts on the Slideshow. Thanks Ryan and Chrissy for not making it TOO embarassing... Thank you to Linda, Ron and Kim Kraynick, and Aunt Janet for decorating the Reception Room.
My family's been very helpful as well. I'd like to thank my Mom and my cousin, Wendy for helping out with the wedding, the rehearsal dinner and gift opening. I'd like to thank my Dad, and my cousin Rainer for helping out in general and calming me down. Those few reassuring things you guys said, went a long way! I gotta thank my grandparents and my Aunt Heni as well for coming out. I know it was tough for them, due to poor health, but they came out, and partied all nite!
We gotta thank Cathy's family. Nina for being our cute little flower girl. Cathy's grandparents, Art and Jo for also making it out to our wedding despite poor health conditions. Brian Taylor for making our rings and saying grace. Carlyanne and Jordan for that beautiful rendition of "When I Fall in Love". Special thanks to Chrissy for her boundless enthusiasm and tireless efforts in doing a lot of the wedding planning. And I mean a LOT of the wedding planning. We can only hope to return the favour on your special day when it comes! And thank you for not tossing my shoes out of the house when you first met me! Donald and Susan, thank you for having been so great since day one. You've always been very welcoming, helpful and supportive. I am lucky to have such a cool pair of in-laws. And thank you so much for the reception!
Lastly, and most importantly I gotta thank by lovely wife, Cathy. The love of my life, my partner-in-crime, my co-conspirator. The wedding was beautiful, but the most important thing was the promise we made to each other. For the last three and a half years, I've considered myself lucky to come home to you every night. My home and my heart will always be where you are.
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